Wednesday, May 2, 2012

First cup

I was filled with relief as we arrived in Addis Ababa, not only did it mark the end of the longest leg of the journey (14hrs), but also I've never heard so many screaming  kids on one plane before, the loudest of which was a cute 3yr old Ethiopian girl right behind me!! I swear at one point during the night/morning/afternoon/whatever it was they were having a competition to out do each other, what a racket!! I sat next to a young base guitar player headed to Harare with his band on tour, and he looked like a base player too complete with movie star sunglasses and some of the longest dread locks I've seen! Darn I meant to get his autograph in case they became famous!!

I love airports, especially ones as eclectic as the one in Addis Ababa!! It just smells like Africa and there are people there from all over the continent of Africa, and it runs like organized chaos! It's kinda hit or miss whether you end up going through security again or not to get to your next flight, I managed to avoid it but I saw a bunch of people from my previous flight waiting in line to get into the terminal. At this point I have no clue what time it is and the signs keep flipping to another language before I can read the English one, all I've been told is "8"! So I find gate 8 and realize after talking to the stewardess I have time to use the bathroom, which apparently there's only one available to those now beyond security check in and the line is out the door! By the time I make it to the front the toilet paper is finished, deciding I can hold it until we board I go out and start to brush my teeth when I'm motioned for by this older Indian woman who only speaks Hindi sitting on the toilet behind me. She had cut the line earlier because she really needed to go and now wouldn't leave until someone gave her some toilet paper, which nobody had! Everyone in line was complaining about her not leaving. She motioned for me to put some water in her hands (while she's still sitting on the toilet!!) and proceeds to wipe using that, after repeating this three times she let me leave at which point I proceeded to laugh at the hilarity of the situation!! Only in Africa!!

Well my flight was delayed an hour, no surprise there, and when they called for us to board everyone proceeded en mass to the gate! I thought there was no way we'd all fit in that plane, and apparently we wouldn't but half the people were going to Frankfurt and just didn't have any idea what they were doing because they all had to be turned away one at a time. The steward kept yelling out that this flight was not to Frankfurt which I'm sure only served to confuse these people even more seeing as the problem in the first place is that they probably don't speak English or Amharic (I originally put Ethiopian but not wanting to sound ignorant I googled the official language of Ethiopia)!!

I ended up sitting next to an Egyptian business man on his way from Dubai to his home of 24yrs in Harare, where he lives with his Russian wife who he excitedly showed me a picture of when I asked about her! So cute!! He very animatedly talked to me about the politics of Zimbabwe, Egypt, and the USA, then somewhere in there permitted me a 45min nap and we continued to talk about business in Dubai and the glass lamps he is carrying home for his wife! I love the random people you get to meet on planes, it's my favorite part of traveling!!

At long last I arrived in Lusaka, 3hrs late, and praise the Lord my luggage arrived with me!! I had this sense of familiarity watching the trees get closer as we landed! Uncle Dwayne and Aunt Betty Mitchell picked me up and showed me around a bit before heading to the guest house where I'm staying. There are two malls within walking distance of my house complete with a Spar grocery store, Silver Spur, Nandos...can't wait for my first piri piri chicken!! Once I arrived at the guest house my first priority was tea!! And boy did it taste good after such a long 30hrs! And somehow it just tastes better under the African sun!

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