Thursday, May 3, 2012

White girl walking

Apparently there's nothing that draws attention more here in Lusaka, Zambia than a white girl walking to/from work!! I've never had so many honks, greetings, stares, stupefied expressions than when I walked home from work after my first day! I only live about a mile or two away! Thankfully this morning I was so blinded by the rising sun and exhaust fumes (felt like I was breathing petrol the whole way, I'm going to have smokers lungs and not get any of the enjoyment out of it!! So not fair!) all I could see was the next step in front of me or my hair which kept blowing in my face (stupid bangs!). I have a bike at my disposal but the seat was too high this morning and I couldn't lower it!! I tried riding it around my kitchen, being too embarrassed to try it for the first time in front of the gate guards, and it was an ultimate fail! I got stuck on the seat with my legs dangling inches above the ground and were it not for the obliging refrigerator I would have fallen smack on my head!

I spent today at the prison again attempting to figure out the system, with not much progress I might add! I met a couple of new guards, Zsazsa being my favorite, not to be confused with ZsuZsu my cute Asian friend!!;) I finished off the day with a trip to Spar for some borewors, broccoli, and peanut butter and jelly for lunch sandwiches! It's hard to shop for food when you have to carry it all in your backpack to get home! The Nshima (what we know as sadza/paleche/mealie pap), meat and veggies they sell for lunch on the corner by the office is sooooo good but kinda pricey to eat every day! I had borewors and broccoli for dinner whilst skyping Andrew (love you!!:) and it was amazing!! I just love the meat here in case you haven't noticed, almost as much as I love the tea...almost!;) Now I just need to have some biltong and Nando's piri piri chicken to make my life complete!! As I sit here listening to the guard's radio play African honky tonk beats in the background drinking my now...9th cup of tea since arriving here (but who's counting?) I'm excited to think of the rile I'll get out of those Zambians tomorrow when they see a white girl BIKING to work! Ready or not Lusaka, here I come!! Stay tuned...

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